An Gael (the Gael) is a quarterly magazine published in New York, entirely in the Irish language. We have writers from all over the world, both established and brand new. Our magazine is a revival (starting in March of 2009) of An Gaodhal (which is just the old spelling of An Gael), originally published in Brooklyn, NY, from 1881 to 1904.
The emphasis in An Gael is on building friendship amongst Irish speakers all over the world. We avoid politics, and focus on things that unite us - out culture, our history, literature, travel, etc. We are a general interest, mostly literary magazine. We are independent and don't apply for or receive any funding from any government. We depend entirely on the generosity of our friends.
An Gael costs what it costs because it is published 'print on demand'. The price is pretty much what it costs us to print it (we round up 30 cents). It is also available as pdf files. Our writers and editorial staff are all volunteers. The only pay anyone receives right now is a copy of the magazine. So that and postage are our only real expenses. If we had some money, we could pay our writers something, and advertise our magazine to attract more readers... These are our goals for the future.
The magazine is published by the Philo-Celtic Society, which also dates back to 1872, originally in New York and now a world-wide organization. The Philo-Celtic Society is dedicated to encouraging and advancing the use of Irish throughout the world.
If you would like to support us in this goal by supporting our magazine, please use the button below.
Thank you,
Séamas Ó Neachtain