Other Vowel Combinations We have other vowel combinations which aren't surprising in sound. 'aa'
is now spelled and pronounced á. 'oo' is now spelled and pronounced ó.
'uu' is now spelled and pronounced ú. 'ee' is now spelled and
pronounced é. 'ii' is now spelled and pronounced í. We don't
really use
au, eu (which has been almost entirely replaced by ea), ie, iu, oa, ou, oe, ue,
uo, in modern Irish.
So that leaves 'io', 'oi' and 'ui.'
Pronunciation Of The Other Vowel Combinations
This is very simple. You can pronounce either letter. It's your
call. In other words, 'io' is a short 'i' or a short 'o' - you get to
decide. Similarly, 'oi' is a short 'o' or a short 'i' - you get to decide. As for 'ui', the
same applies. You can say it as a short 'u' or as a short 'i' - your call.
There are some dialectal variations on these, but for now, just make your choice
and you'll be well understood. Click on the blue
letters below to
hear these. Memorize them.